I have been reading the story of Moses to kind of see what qualities great leaders have. There is much I can write about the topic both good and bad. Great leaders have their victories and they have their defeats. I would like to tell a story of what I have learned just from ½ of a chapter in Exodus about being a great leader. Moses was under attack. Amalekites have come to attack the Israel. Moses having spent much time with God asked his helpers to prepare for battle. The neat part of the story is that Moses went to the top of a hill and took Aaron and Hur with him. He raised the staff of God and the Israelites were victories, but when he dropped it the Amalekites were victories. So the easy part of this story is just hold your hands up. It seems like an easy job that anyone could do. The problem is that time will eventually make us weak. The benefit that Moses had was that his helpers took a rock and provided a place for Moses to sit. Eventually still his hands were to weak again. Then Aaron and Hur got under Moses and lifted his hand for him. In this way the Israelites won the battle. As I look at this story I see many areas in my life that I could apply this lesson. It may just be me that sees this, but this is what I see. God has placed you in a leadership position. You may be the leader of Sunday School, work, or even be the youth minister. These are all great leaders, but you may also be a mom or a dad. This lesson I have learned applies to all leaders no matter the title you hold. The first thing I see is that Moses saw the threat and got his people to get ready. We as leaders need to always be looking out for a threat. Then we need to be prepared to face that theat. So many leaders refuse to acknowledge that threats could come. Don’t be blinded be prepared. The second is that Moses surrounded himself with helpers. We need to have people in our lives that if nothing else we can take with use to these battles. The third is that when we are at a weak point in our battle these people are there to provide something to help us. The last is that when we are at our weakest our helpers are there to carry us if needed. I say all this to say this. What kind of leader are you. Are you the lone wolf that when you get weak your ministry or life gets weak as well? Are you the leader that has the helpers that can offer you a chair so that you can better rest as you continue to work? Lastly are you the type of leader that has people that will carry you even when you don’t have the strength to lift your hands? All of these are great questions for leaders to evaluate themselves with, but what about the Aarons and the Hurs of the story? If you are not the leader ask yourself what kind of follower if any are you to the leaders that surround you? You may be the husband that has not stepped up to be the leader of your house, or you may be the wife that has not supported your husband. Evaluate yourself ask God to show you the answers to your questions. God, I am a leader what kind of leader am I? Am I a leader like Moses that was prepared and had the support I needed in times of threat, and weakness? Or God I am a follower what kind of follower are you calling me to be? I want to be the follower that can help even in small ways to support the leaders in my life, or if you are calling me to be, I want to be the helper that will carry the leader when he/she is at their weakest.
March 2016
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