As we continue to look at services or excuses we get to the second excuse offered by Moses. Moses actually asked God by what authority he had to call him into service. This is still a popular excuse we still see in churches today, and I’m ashamed to say I am guilty of it still.
Moses starts to question the strength of God. We sometimes know that God has called us into service, but then we get to the point where we examine ourselves and realize we don’t have what it takes to do what God has called us to do. I think this is exactly where God wants us to be. As Christians we are not called to serve God when we think it’s in our own power that we can do things. Look at Moses he was not the super star leader that fit perfectly into the spot God called him to. He was a square block that God was going to put through the star hole. This is exactly how we know God is at work in our ministries. If we served just based on our own power we will only have ministries that are as big as the people that are serving. We see this in churches all over the world. We can only grow as big as the number of kids we can handle. God has called us not to lean on our power, on our strength, or even on our own knowledge. This is Moses’ fear what if the Israelites have forgotten all about you? Moses didn’t feel like he had all the answers and was afraid that he was going to put in a place that he couldn’t get through on his own. God has the power we need to get the job He asked us to do. He is an expert in fitting square blocks into star shaped holes. The amazing thing is that after he changes you you’ll become a star. God is not asking us to go, do, or say anything He will not provide for us along the way. I love to tell my youth that God will provide just enough of what we need in just enough time. Then we will know that this is a God thing not anything we can do on our own. That is when we give God the praise that He could ever work through a wretch like me.
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March 2016
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